Roller shutters, Venetian blinds, fabric screens and garage doors made in Germany
Aluminium roller shutter systems: Multitalented products that enhance the comfort of your home

Lower energy consumption, greater convenience, more design options and reduced installation costs: Our bespoke aluminium roller shutters are the right solution for both modernisation and new construction projects.
How do aluminium roller shutters add to the value of a home?
Your feeling of comfort and well-being in your home is influenced by factors such as warmth and security, but also by the right lighting conditions. You can get the best in all of these areas with roller shutters tailored to your home. They can help you avoid unnecessary energy loss and immediately reduce your heating costs. Roller shutters can do a lot more than just withstand the elements. They are an ideal temperature controller in both summer and winter. They keep out strong UV radiation from the sun, but also protect against cold weather. With roller shutters, you also benefit from an ideal indoor climate, because they give you flexible control for all windows and doors.
But energy is not the only factor; privacy is another precious asset in your home. The slats provide outstanding privacy protection without overly darkening your rooms. On top of these advantages, rollers shutters also dampen unwanted outdoor noise and effectively shut out insects. With all these features, roller shutters from Alulux substantially increase comfort and convenience in your home.
What is more, compared to alternatives made of plastic, our aluminium products offer considerably higher burglary protection, and they are the clear winner when it comes to retaining colour. Roller shutters are not only easy to care for, but also extraordinarily durable, meaning they protect your windows and balcony doors much more effectively against wind storms, hail and heavy rain.
What roller shutter solutions are available?
We manufacture the ideal roller shutters based on the characteristics of your home. In the case of a new home, you can go for the Alulux top-mounted system. It offers features you can choose from to suit your personal needs, such as reinforced burglary protection for windows on the ground floor. For an existing building, you can have front-mounted roller shutters installed without any difficulty. Mounted on the outside of an external wall, one advantage they offer is that they do not have a shutter box, which can otherwise cause heat loss. Because there are virtually no limits to the range of design options available for either of these products, you can adapt the models you like best to the look and style of your home.
Wohfühlfaktor und Privatsphäre
Ihr Zuhause zuverlässig vor Wind und Wetter, Sonneneinstrahlung sowie ungebetenen Gästen zu schützen ist unsere Mission. Diese verfolgen wir bei Alulux mit Leidenschaft und setzen dabei höchste Qualitätsstandards. Nicht umsonst dürfen wir bereits stolz auf eine 60-jährige Firmengeschichte zurückblicken. Doch wir richten den Blick auch konsequent nach vorne – mit zukunftsweisenden Smart-Home-Systemen und innovativster Technik.
Egal, ob Sie sich für Rollladen, Raffstore oder Textilscreens von Alulux entscheiden: Die Langlebigkeit unserer hochwertigen Lösungen lohnt jede Investition. Das gilt auch für alle platzsparenden Garagentore aus unserem Portfolio. Obendrein wird unsere Markenware von Anfang bis Ende in Deutschland hergestellt. Ein Merkmal, das für höchste Präzision und Perfektion spricht.
Alulux fabric screens: Sun protection that unites design with functionality
If you don’t necessarily want to create complete darkness in the room, our textile screens can be the ideal solution. Their primary task is to provide reliable sun protection. But not only that – the semi-transparent fabric structure keeps prying eyes away from the outside, while you can see through it from the inside.
How should one imagine how it works?
Because the material used slightly softens the outside light, a particularly comfortable living atmosphere is created. At the same time, your plants and furniture are protected from the harsh rays of the sun. Even large glass surfaces can be easily shaded in this way. Alulux textile screens are also way ahead when it comes to design. You can add style to your facade with the associated front-mounted boxes.
The cloth made of translucent fabric is guided over a guide rail on both sides of the window. In addition, a zipper is welded on, which increases its resistance. With this method, considerable wind speeds of up to 145 km/h can be withstood. And this even when the Alulux textile screen covers large surfaces of up to 15 m².
What other properties speak in favor of textile screens?
On the one hand, they are waterproof and frost-resistant and therefore very resilient. On the other hand, the taut fabric reflects the sun’s rays. In this way, you will not experience an unsightly glass house effect in your home in summer. Conversely, in winter the heat does not escape unhindered through the window panes and you need to heat less. The special material structure also enhances the appearance of your house facade.
Aluminium Garagentore: Komfortable & langlebige Raumwunder
Our aluminium garage doors are the perfect solution, especially if you do not have a lot of space in front of your garage. Rather than swinging out, they travel back and forth smoothly on rails. You gain added space and protect both your car and your loved-ones from accidents, because the systems naturally also offer safety guaranteed.
These Alulux space-savers come in a variety of models: as an overhead door, a side sliding door or a boxed roller door. With the latter model, the door does not travel along the ceiling or side wall, but rather disappears in a type of roller shutter box. Innumerable options are available to you in terms of colour and structural design, allowing you to put together a solution that complements the overall appearance of your home.
What makes our garage doors so safe?
Built-in obstacle detectors and anti-drop/brake devices are standard on Alulux products. High-sensitivity sensors stop a door from closing as soon as they detect an obstacle – an important added safety feature particularly for families with children. We also emphasise convenience: Our garage doors can be operated at the push of a button or wirelessly from inside an approaching car.